World Economic Analysis

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This project is to study the various insights of world economics and how it is impacting the growth and market value of various countries. So it primarily focuses on 4 economic parameters. They are Inflation, Economic Fitness, Economic Monitor and Economic Prospects. Inflation is the rate of increase in the prices over a given period of time. According to the report the inflation rate is more in countries with less income than in countries with high income. But in 2019 and 2020 there is an increase of inflation in countries with lower middle income.

Economic Fitness (EF) is a measure of a country's diversification and ability to produce complex goods on a globally competitive basis. According to the reports there is high economic fitness to the countries with high income. Probably that is the primary factor for their economic stability. Europe and central Asia have high Economic Fitness.

Economic monitoring is a deep analysis of key global macroeconomic developments and their impact on World Bank member countries. The Prospects Group leads the World Bank’s forecasting work and produces the semi-annual Global Economic Prospects flagship report. It also produces the Commodity Markets Outlook, policy-relevant research on topical issues, and timely updates on global economic developments.

Here the Economic monitoring takes 3 factors into consideration: GDP,current LCU,millions,seas; GDP,current US$,millions,seas; Stock Market US$. The GDP of the local currency unit took the lead in both 2019 and 2020 statistics. Global Economic Prospects is a World Bank Group flagship report that examines global economic developments and prospects, with a special focus on emerging markets and developing economies. Here Global Economic prospects show a greatest decline in the market in 2020 , probably because of the pandemic situation all over the world and its still showing the impact in its own ways.